The linked story warns that McKesson, Cardinal and others are in grave danger of being on the outside looking in. We have heard this warning over and over again.
But the quote in the story that I can not get out of my head is: Group Purchasing Organizations such as Vizient also are vulnerable if Amazon undercuts their prices.
I don’t think Vizient, or any other GPO or self-contracting IDN, is ever going to lose to Amazon or any other disruptor due to price. Not today, not tomorrow, not in 20 years.
They might lose even if they have better prices! They may lose because they are less convenient.
Convenience will start to be part of the value equation. Hospitals, clinicians and physician offices will pay a premium for it.
Convenience is the new attribute in the acquisition process that will increase value.
- April 11, 2018 - April 19, 2018
- Michael DeLuca from Prodigo Solutions on Healthcare Supply Chain Radio - April 19, 2018
- 10 Keys for Success in National Accounts in 2018! (Free 10-page e-book available for download now!) - April 19, 2018