A recent ANAE and National Accounts Weekly survey revealed that, as the healthcare industry moves to reopening, national accounts executives are most concerned with having decreased access to IDNs and having to cope with IDNs’ unwillingness to consider new projects, ideas, and innovations.
Survey responses were collected from more than 80 national accounts executives. Here are some of the highlights:
- 13% of respondents said their companies would be down at least 50% of their initial volume forecasted in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
- ~33% of respondents said their companies would be down at least 25%.
- 27% said their organizations have had furloughs or layoffs.
- Among those organizations, 6% of furloughs or layoffs affected national accounts.
As the industry goes forward, respondents said “communication” and “virtual sales calls” are going to be important, as well as “respecting supply chain leaders’ imperatives” and “being patient.”
Adding Value During Crisis
There was some good news as well! With some of the surveyed national accounts executives saying that, not only have they been able to remain relevant but they’ve even found ways to add value through the introduction of products for the identification of COVID-19 as well as by working with GPOs to extend contract terms that have expired. Others said they are hoping their corporate offices will seek some of the upcoming platforms assisting with vendors and facilities communication processes for future buys.
Relationships, Transparency, and the Future
The survey also asked about where respondents’ relationships with GPOs fell along the spectrum from a “transactional” to “strategic partnership.” Predictably, the responses spanned the spectrum of those two kinds of relationships with GPOs. Some of the national accounts executives also commented on how they have found ways to maximize the value of their GPO relationships during the past few months.
One common thread through all of the responses was an underlying uncertainty of what the future holds. More than a few of the respondents expressed concerns about GPOs that were in the process of contract RFPs, questioning if the GPOs would keep their current contract holders, based on membership and resistance to change, or seek the lowest cost options.
The pandemic has also intensified how important transparency is during times like this. Several respondents stated they would like for GPOs to fully share input for all contracted vendors in all buying solutions, ensuring that access to information for buys remains relevant and in front of the customer.